NFDI Satellite Event


The NFDI Satellite Event at JCDL 2022 will bring together researchers and practitioners from the research data and the digital libraries communities.

Different consortia of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) give an insight into their work and show challenges and solutions.

In NFDI, valuable data from science and research are systematically accessed, networked, and made usable in a sustainable and qualitative manner for the entire German science system. Up to now, they have mostly been available on a decentralized, project-related, or temporary basis. NFDI aims to create a permanent digital repository of knowledge as an indispensable prerequisite for new research questions, findings, and innovations.


This online event on Thursday, 23 June 2022 will be co-located at JCDL 2022.

Two registration types are possible:

  1. Registered participants of JCDL 2022 can book this event in the official JCDL booking system.
  2. You can choose to only register for the NFDI Satellite event via EventBrite without taking part in JCDL itself. 

Register today to take part in this interdisciplinary workshop day!

Schedule for Thursday, 23 June 2022

09:00Opening and Welcome
09:30Parallel Sessions
 Workshop: Catalysis RDM – From Ontologies to Electronic Lab Notebooks
 Workshop: Are there a million ways to describe the world? Or how to share your authority without losing control
 Panel: Everything FAIR and Open? Restrictions on data publications
11:30 Parallel Sessions
 Workshop: Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4Ing and NFDI4DataScience
 Workshop: RDM and DP communities: Finding the common ground to develop a collaborative future service landscape
 Workshop: Decentralized Storage for Digital Preservation
13:00Lunch Break 
14:00Parallel Sessions 
  Workshop: Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4Ing and NFDI4DataScience (Part 2)
 Workshop: RDM and DP communities: Finding the common ground to develop a collaborative future service landscape (Part 2)
 Workshop: Decentralized Storage for Digital Preservation (Part 2)
15:00Keynote: York Sure-Vetter
16:00End of Satellite Event



Speaker: York Sure-Vetter

Title: German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) – Structure and Perspective

Abstract: New insights can be drawn out of existing research data, enabling valuable innovations. Whether it is the analysis of historical data and data about cultural heritage, the search for effective pharmaceuticals or a better understanding of the metabolism of (agricultural) plants – data is the raw material for further knowledge. But this data is usually only available in decentralised, project-related or temporary form. The German National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur) wants to change this. The aim is to make relevant data available according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). NFDI consortia, collaborations of different institutions within a scientific discipline, are working together towards this goal. The association German National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.) was founded to coordinate the activities. The keynote speech of NFDI Director Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter will focus on how the association and consortia are collaborating to shape the future of research data management in Germany. The presentation will also describe how NFDI is involved in international projects like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) or GAIA-X.

Workshops & Panels

Workshop: Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4Ing and NFDI4DataScience

Organizers: Anna-Lena Lorenz, Sören Auer, Stefan Dietze, Oliver Karras, Peter Mutschke, Allard Oelen & Markus Stocker

Abstract: Research Knowledge Graphs aim to rethink the current paradigm of document-centered information flows. By describing research contributions in a human- and machine-actionable manner, knowledge graphs shift the focus from document to scientific content and are a tool to tackle issues such as the publication flood or the reproducibility crisis. Research Knowledge Graphs thus play an important role in many NFDI initiatives, e.g. in NFDI4DataScience. One of these knowledge graphs is the ORKG (Open Research Knowledge Graph), which aims to provide researchers with an overview over the state-of-the-art in specific research fields. By automatically linking relevant contributions, researchers can then explore knowledge in entirely new ways. For content curation, ORKG relies on a crowd-based approach, so it’s content is created by scientific communities for scientific communities. Especially NFDI4ing has made use of the ORKG to achieve results in its task area ELLEN focusing on enormous data requirements present e.g. in the energy system analysis domain. In this workshop we will present the general idea of RKG with the ORKG as a concrete working example. We explain its use within the NFDI initiative and also present ways to onboard different scientific communities to this joint open research endeavor.

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Speakers Biography


Workshop: RDM and DP communities: Finding the common ground to develop a collaborative future service landscape

Organizers: Klaus Rechert & Dirk von Suchodoletz

Abstract: Research data management (RDM) is a major step-stone to keep computational research comprehensible, re-usable and reproducible. With the FAIR data principles abstract concepts have been developed that need to be implemented into RDM frameworks and services. Basic Long-term preservation challenges e.g., bit preservation, cataloging, (domain specific) meta-data, publication and byte-stream access can be considered as conceptually ‘solved’ and services to provide this are mostly implemented in productive deployments. However, due to the amount and complexity of data, processing of research data has also become more complex, thus, preserving the digital “scientific context” remains a more challenging task while increasingly necessary for re-use or reproducing research results. Furthermore, software-tool chains reached a level of complexity that these are modeled as workflows to improve standardization, foster re-use and especially portability. Workflows provide machine actionable descriptions of a multi-step computational process, orchestrating tasks, resources as well as data in- and output. FAIR principles for software and workflows are currently discussed, but especially (long-term) aspects of “re-use” still require conceptual and implementation work. While concepts for preserving (scientific) software, citation of software as well as re-execution of software are in principle well understood and the ability of re-using, reproducing or replicating of software-based methodology is not yet (fully) embedded into typical RDM services and more importantly also not very well embedded into planning and execution of scientific projects. This workshop proposal aims to bring together active RDM practitioners within the NFDI with the digital preservation and digital library communities to

  • Identify common ground, tasks and collaborations
  • Common tools and concepts to avoid duplication of work, especially in the areas of dealing with software archiving and access as well as legal issues

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Workshop: Decentralized Storage for Digital Preservation

Organizers: Marco Beck, Patrick Sahle, Bela Gipp, Moritz Schubotz, Stefan Strathmann & Markus Schmalzl

Abstract: This workshop will support participants in finding solutions for sustainable storage concepts in the field of digital preservation and long term archiving. A comparative analysis is aimed at as well as the exploration of possible issues when using a decentralized peer-to-peer storage approach.

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Speakers Biography

Workshop: Catalysis RDM – From Ontologies to Electronic Lab Notebooks

Organizers: David Linke, Michael Liebau, Norbert Kockmann, Alexander Behr & Mark Greiner

Abstract: Catalysis research is interdisciplinary, data are generated in several sub-steps and, thanks to new tools, in large quantities. Currently, data management in catalysis is mostly organized at the working group level or, at most, at the institute level and is based on local conventions. As a result, much of the data remains unused. A fundamental, digital transformation in catalysis science, process and chemical engineering is needed to get the most value out of the data, for example: standardizing concepts, vocabularies, and data formats, as well as creating networked information architectures that enable the storage and exchange of semantically rich data. NFDI4Cat has created this 90-minute workshop to help you understand the importance of RDM, present some key tech skills in catalysis research, and show you where to start if you want to start shaping the future of catalysis.

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Speakers Biography

Workshop: Are there a million ways to describe the world? Or how to share your authority without losing control

Organizers: Desiree Mayer, Thorsten Trippel, Stefan Buddenbohm, Regine Stein, Jürgen Kett & Barbara Fischer

Abstract: One of the main aims for the national infrastructure of research data is to provide an overarching knowledge graph across the domains and subjects. In the field of humanities, arts and culture the two consortia NFDI for Culture (NFDI4C) and NFDI for Text (Text+) have chosen the Integrated Authority File (GND) as the initial backbone. The workshop provides both an introduction to the means of the GND and the working programs of the two consortia. The last part is dedicated to getting to know the experience of the participants.

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Speakers Biography

Panel: Everything FAIR and Open? Restrictions on data publications

Panelists: Juliane Fluck (NFDI4Health), Birgit Gemeinholzer (NFDI4Biodiversity), Konrad Förstner (NFDI4Microbiota) & Sebastian Ellert (KonsortSWD)

Abstract: The German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), which will consist of around 30 domain-specific consortia, has the mission to make research data available following the FAIR principles and to help implement Open Science practices. This goes far beyond the provision of required hardware and services but also includes training, awareness building, quality measures, trust, and much more – it should facilitate a general cultural shift inside of the scientific system. As a result of this, cornerstones of the scientific method like transparency and reproducibility will be increased and research becomes more efficient. Because of the availability of data, it is expected that completely new research questions can be answered in the future.

While Open and FAIR are two sides of the same medal, they do not necessarily require each other – research data can be open while not being FAIR and vice-versa. And while following an „open per default“ approach is clearly recommended in science, there are cases in which openness needs to be limited due to other values like privacy (e.g. when working with sensitive patient data), national and international conventions and regulations, or nature conservation (e.g. when working with endangered species).

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