Call for Online Session Chairs

The organizers of JCDL 2022 invite online participants to apply to act as online session chairs.

This call is particularly for early-career researchers who want to be active and visible as peers in the field of digital libraries.

Each session will be co-chaired by an on-site senior chair and an online session chair. This is also intended to strengthen interaction between on-site and online participants.

If you would like to chair an online session, please contact the organizing team at

Please indicate your preferred session that you would like to co-host (be aware that all times given in the programme are time in CEST). See

As an online session chair, you (along with the on-site session chair) will have the following responsibilities:

Explain the framework of the session (topic, length of the session & talks, etc.)
Introduce the speakers
Moderate questions and answers

The deadline for your application is June 14, 2022 (AOE)