Our Keynotes

York Sure-Vetter

National Research Data Infrastructure & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) – Structure and Perspective

Dania Bilal

School of Information Sciences - The University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Human-information Behavior and Interaction: Envisioning a New Paradigm Shift

Speaker: York Sure-Vetter

Title: German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) – Structure and Perspective

New insights can be drawn out of existing research data, enabling valuable innovations. Whether it is the analysis of historical data and data about cultural heritage, the search for effective pharmaceuticals or a better understanding of the metabolism of (agricultural) plants – data is the raw material for further knowledge.

But this data is usually only available in decentralised, project-related or temporary form. The German National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur) wants to change this. The aim is to make relevant data available according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). NFDI consortia, collaborations of different institutions within a scientific discipline, are working together towards this goal. The association German National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.) was founded to coordinate the activities.

The keynote speech of NFDI Director Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter will focus on how the association and consortia are collaborating to shape the future of research data management in Germany. The presentation will also describe how NFDI is involved in international projects like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) or GAIA-X.


Talk Video:

Speaker: Dania Bilal

Title: Human-information Behavior and Interaction: Envisioning a Paradigm Shift

Will robots replace web search engines in the near future? Will libraries vanish in the near future? Over the past decades, we have embraced many technologies including web search engines, digital libraries, information and data repositories, and social media to find, evaluate, use, and share information. Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have given rise to new types of system interfaces bearing different purposes (e.g., robots, voice digital assistants, and chatbots) that have been implemented in various library and information environments to optimize the user experience (UX).

In this keynote speech, Dr. Dania Bilal will highlight the current state of human-information behavior and interaction, and provide her perspectives on the changing nature of this interaction based on years of experience in this area. Dr. Bilal envisions a paradigm shift in human-information behavior and interaction, which raises many questions, including how will human-information behavior and interaction be shaped in light of the paradigm shift? What role do libraries, information professionals, LIS educators system designers, governments, and industry play in facilitating and supporting this change? What research, theory building, and design processes and principles need to be in place in order to bring new and effective ways of interactions between the users and AI-powered systems?

Dr. Dania Bilal will focus on the human aspect of system interactions in the age of AI and machine learning, and describe ways for libraries to remain vital institutions in light of the paradigm shift.     

