Call for Workshop & Tutorial Proposals

The organizers of the 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2022; invite proposals for workshops & tutorials. Workshops are intended to draw together communities of interest both those in established communities and those interested in discussion and exploration of a new or emerging issue. They can range in format from formal, perhaps centering on presentation of refereed papers, to informal, perhaps centering on an extended roundtable discussion among the selected participants.  Workshops relating to the theme of the conference, "Bridging Worlds", are particularly encouraged.

To prepare your proposals, please use the ACM Proceedings template:

and submit in electronic form via EasyChair:

The proposal should be no more than 4 pages long, indicate whether it is Workshop or Tutorial submission, and include:

Description of the idea on 2 pages (these will be published in the proceedings for those workshops which had been accepted)

  • The title and short description.
  • A statement of objectives for the workshop / tutorial.
  • A topical outline for the workshop / tutorial.
  • Anticipated outcomes of the workshop / tutorial.
  • Short biographies and contact details of the proposers.

Organisation and logistics (this is for the selection process only and will not be published in the proceedings)

  • A 100 word description for the JCDL website.
  • Identification of the expected audience and expected number of attendees.
  • A description of the planned format and duration (half-day or two half-days).
  • Specific requirements for the workshop, if applicable (e.g., A/V); any specific considerations on potential hybrid delivery.
  • Information about how the attendees will be identified, notified of the workshop / tutorial, and, if necessary, selected from among applicants and a timeline of the advertisement and selection process.
  • If this workshop / tutorial has been held previously, information about the earlier sessions should be provided dates, locations, outcomes, attendance, etc.

Important dates:

  • January 19, 2022 extended to 4 February 2022: Deadline for submission, see "Rolling Evaluation for Workshop/Tutorials" note from 19.01.2022
  • January 31, 2022: Notification of acceptance
  • April 15, 2022: Camera ready copy
  • June 23, 2022: Half-day Workshop / Tutorial (after the half-day main conference program)
  • June 24, 2022: Half-day Workshop / Tutorial

For more information: If you have questions, please contact the JCDL 2022 workshop/tutorial co-chairs:

Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University, USA

Milena Dobreva, GATE Institute Big Data for Smart Society, Sofia University, Bulgaria

And follow us on Twitter: @JCDL2022 @JCDLConf