Our Hybrid Setup
The goal of JCDL 2022 is to provide an outstanding conference experience for both onsite and online attendees. All researchers in our community should have the opportunity to present their work, experience excellent talks and sessions, and network with the community.
To ensure excellent experiences on-site AND online…
…On-site speakers use the JCDL 2022 presentation laptop (Windows) to ensure that the online world can participate in all presentations – thank you for understanding.
…Online speakers provide a video recording of their presentation. Optionally, they can also present live via Zoom (but a video recording is required as a backup).
…Special event formats are used:
- Minute Madness: all authors (onsite/online) show a “video-trailer” in which they present their papers, demos, or data sets (like a poster pitch).
- Meet the Experts! Online attendees, in particular, will have the opportunity to network with Dania Bilal, Norbert Fuhr, J. Stephen Downie and York Sure-Vetter in a separate online session and exchange ideas beyond the Q&A
..The conference will be broadcast via www.zoom.us. On-site presentations will be recorded and posted on the JCDL/ACM YouTube channel for 3 months. Big thanks to the many speakers who have already given their consent.
…Q&A for each presentation will be conducted using www.dory.app. All participants will be asked (on-site & online) to enter their questions directly into the web app. This can be done anonymously or with a Google account. The session chairs will forward the questions to the presenters. In this way, JCDL 2022 ensures equality of questions and answers onsite and online.
…We will use our JCDL 2022 www.slack.com channel as a simple and direct communication channel to strengthen the interaction of participants onsite and online. Participants will be encouraged to connect with each other in both a general and local channels….
…We are looking forward to your Tweets. Please use the hashtag #jcdl2022 and follow us on twitter.com/jcdl2022.