Meet The Experts

For the online participants of the JCDL, we have prepared "Meet the Experts" sessions described below. The idea of these sessions is to encourage the exchange of thoughts between the invited "experts" and the online participants. In this session, selected "experts" participating on-site will have a moderated informal discussion on research and beyond with the participants online. In this session, the experts will be discussing a topic focussing on their area of research with the participants online via a zoom channel.

These sessions will allow JCDL participants to engage in a focused online discussion with high-level experts:

* The Meet-The-Experts session should not exceed 60 minutes.
* One online moderator is connected via zoom to manage the online discussion
* The session will be in a separate room only with the expert and the moderator
* The session will not be recorded. We want to keep this informal

The session should be as informal as possible and simply allow an informal exchange of thoughts between the experts and interested listeners.


Tuesday 21.06 at 6:00 p.m. (CEST)

Dania Bilal

School of Information Sciences - The University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Human-information Behavior and Interaction: Envisioning a New Paradigm Shift

Our first expert will be Dania Bilal. After Dania's keynote on "Human-information Behavior and Interaction: Envisioning a Paradigm Shift", we look forward to exciting follow-up discussions on her topic. It will be interesting to discuss Dania's opinion on the future development of digital libraries in detail.



Wednesday 22.06 at 10:00 a.m. (CEST)

Norbert Fuhr

University of Duisburg-Essen

Duisburg, Germany

Our second expert is Norbert Fuhr. Over the years, Norbert has had a significant impact in the field of information retrieval. In 2012, Norbert received the Gerald Salton Award of ACM-SIGIR for his research contributions to the area of information retrieval. A discussion on Norbert's opinion on "Some common mistakes in IR evaluation, and how they can be avoided" will certainly be exciting.




Wednesday 22.06 at 6:00 p.m. (CEST)

J. Stephen Downie

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

School of Information Sciences

Our third expert is J. Stephen Downie. Stephen is associate dean for research and a professor at the School of Information Sciences, and the Illinois co-director of the HathiTrust Research Center. Stephen has been a very active member of the Digital Library community for years and the General Chair of the JCDL. We look forward to talking to Stephen about the future development of the JCDL series and research in this area.




Thursday 23.06 at 4:00 p.m. (CEST)

York Sure-Vetter

National Research Data Infrastructure & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) – Structure and Perspective

Our fourth expert is York Sure-Vetter. York is professor at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and director of the director of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). We look forward to a follow-up discussion on his keynote and the recent developments in the NFDI.