
Registration is open

The JCDL 2022 conference registration is open:

Registration for On-Site and Online participation can start. Early rates apply until June, 6th 2022 (AOE).



Preliminary Program released

The preliminary program of JCDL 2022 is available under:

Check out the sessions of the main conference days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (June 21-23).



Venue Announcement

We are happy to announce that this year's main conference will take place at  Art'otel in Cologne, Germany. The main conference will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (June 21-23) at the Art'otel, covering research papers, late-breaking and demo papers, as well as keynotes from invited speakers. An overview of the different conference days as well as the format of the satellite events will be published soon.

Our survey has shown that about 50% of the JCDL community (authors, committee, etc.) plan to attend in person in Cologne. We have therefore decided on a venue that will accommodate approx. 100 participants. The on-site registration will close for on-site participation when we reach the maximum capacity for our venue. Even though we expect the capacity to be sufficient, we ask the participants who are already planning their trip to start the registration as soon as it is activated. We expect to enable the registration in the next two weeks. We will notify the opening of the registration on our Webpage and on Twitter. Authors of accepted papers will additionally receive an email via Easychair.

JCDL 2022 will be held as a physical conference with support for remote attendance. Even though we do not require presenters to be on-site in Cologne, we still highly recommend this. Presenters that are not able to travel to Cologne will receive instructions for preparing their remote presentation soon. 


If you have any questions regarding participation, submission and attendance at JCDL 2022 please write to us jcdl2022@gesis.org.

All the best, the organizing team



Late-breaking results, Preliminary work, Datasets, and Demonstrations extended till 21.03.2022

The Late-breaking results, Preliminary work, Datasets, and Demonstrations track is extended for one extra week till 21.03.2022 (AoE time zone) 



Rolling Evaluation for Workshop/Tutorials

The JCDL Programme Committee will start evaluating the workshop and tutorial proposals which had already been submitted. We would like to thank all submitters who met the deadline. 

Due to the impact of the current wave of the pandemic, we had requests for deadline extensions from some colleagues. We decided to apply a rolling evaluation of the proposal this year - we will start evaluating all submitted applications immediately but also will extend the deadline for submission to 4 February 2022 and will review additional proposals as soon as they arrive.

If you are ready to submit please do so as soon as possible not waiting for the extended deadline. 

From the Workshop/Tutorial chairs and the JCDL Programme Committee


Deadline extension for Research papers!

The deadline for submitting Research papers has been extended till 21 January 2022! Please check cfp for details.



JCDL 2022 is designed as a hybrid conference with on-site participation in Cologne, Germany and online. However, the pandemic-related developments for the summer of 2022 are difficult to predict. This relates in particular to possible travel restrictions and further legal regulations regarding the number of participants. Accordingly, there remains a small, non-negligible chance that the conference will take place online only. Hence, the final orientation of the conference remains a dynamic process that we will adapt to the situation in the coming year.

We are aware that online participation in hybrid conferences cannot always adequately replace on-site participation. Nevertheless, it is our goal to enable both groups of participants to participate in the conference in the best possible way.

We would like to point out that submission and acceptance of papers is not linked to on-site participation. Accepted papers will have the opportunity to present their work remotely, regardless of the mode of the conference. This is to ensure that every participant will be able to attend the conference regardless of next year's developments.

If you have any questions regarding participation, submission and attendance at JCDL 2022 please write to us jcdl2022@gesis.org.

All the best, the organizing team