Call for Panels
The organizers of the 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2022; invite proposals for panels. Panels are intended to draw together communities of interest, both those in established communities and those interested in discussion and exploration of a new or emerging issue. Panels relating to the theme of the conference, "Bridging Worlds", and all relevant topics of Digital Libraries, are particularly encouraged.
To prepare your proposals, please prepare a short abstract as a PDF and submit it in electronic form via EasyChair:
The description should be no more than two pages long and include:
Description of the idea
- The title and short description.
- A statement of objectives for the panel
- Short biographies and contact details of the proposers.
Organization and logistics
- A 50 word description for the JCDL website.
- Identification of the expected audience and expected number of attendees.
- A description of the planned format and duration.
- Specific requirements for the panel, if applicable (e.g., A/V); any specific considerations on potential hybrid delivery.
Important dates:
- April 19, 2022: Deadline for submission
- April 30, 2022: Notification of acceptance
For more information: If you have questions, please contact the JCDL 2022 organizers via
And follow us on Twitter: @JCDL2022 @JCDLConf