Best Paper Awards
Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
- Martin Klein, Lyudmila Balakireva, Karolina Holub, Drazenko Celjak and Ingeborg Rudomino Investigating Bloom Filters for Web Archives Holdings | paper | minute madness | talk video
Best Student Paper Award
- Arthur Brack, Anett Hoppe, Pascal Buschermöhle and Ralph Ewerth Cross-Domain Multi-Task Learning for Sequential Sentence Classification in Research Papers | paper | minute madness | talk video
- Sandeep Kumar, Hardik Arora, Tirthankar Ghosal and Asif Ekbal DeepASPeer: Towards an Aspect-level Sentiment Controllable Framework for Decision Prediction in Peer Reviews | paper | minute madness | talk video
Best Paper Nominees
Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
- Helge Holzmann, Nick Ruest, Jefferson Bailey, Alex Dempsey, Samantha Fritz, Peggy Lee and Ian Milligan ABCDEF The 6 key features behind scalable, multi-tenant web archive processing with ARCH: Archive, Big Data, Concurrent, Distributed, Efficient, Flexible | paper | minute madness | talk video
- Jiqun Liu and Chirag Shah Leveraging User Interaction Signals and Task State Information in Adaptively Optimizing Usefulness-Oriented Search Sessions | paper | minute madness | talk video
Best Student Paper Award
- Sumanta Kashyapi and Laura Dietz Query-specific Subtopic Clustering | paper | minute madness | talk video
- Prajjwal Bhattarai, Mohammad Ghassemi and Tuka Alhanai Open-source Code Repository Attributes Predict Impact of Computer Science Research | paper | minute madness | talk video
- Carolin Keller, Tamara Heck and Marc Rittberger Is one source enough? The effects of literature databases on the outcomes of systematic reviews | paper | minute madness | talk video