Call for Papers Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over the world who are in the early phases of their dissertation work (i.e., the consortium is not intended for those who are finished or nearly finished with their dissertations).

The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to help students with their thesis/dissertation and research plans by providing feedback and general advice in a constructive atmosphere. Students will present and discuss their research in the context of a well-known and established international conference, in a supportive atmosphere with other doctoral students and an international panel of established researchers. 

A panel of prominent professors and experienced practitioners in the field of digital library research will conduct the workshop. They will review all the submissions and comment on the content of the research and on the presentation. In the course of the workshop, students will also get the opportunity for one-on-one advice on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions as well as more general questions, e.g., on the differences in Ph.D. studies in different countries.

Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit an extended abstract describing their Digital Library related research. Submissions relating to any aspect of Digital Library research, development, practice and evaluation are welcomed, including: Users and Interactions, Search and Recommendation, Digital Libraries in Practice, Content and Structures. 


Submission Instructions


Submit an application that includes an extended abstract (limit of 2 pages) of your doctoral work and a brief statement from your Ph.D. advisor. The abstract and advisor statement should be combined into a single PDF file and submitted via the conference’s EasyChair submission page:


The extended abstract should be in English, in PDF format, and in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use “sigconf” proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word,


In the extended abstract, the student should

  • describe the problem that will be addressed and why existing approaches do not adequately address the problem,
  • provide 2-3 main research questions,
  • briefly summarize the methodology that the student plans to use to answer the research question, e.g. the experimental setup, and
  • describe the expected contributions of the resultant research


The statement from the student's PhD advisor should verify the following information:

  • The proposed dissertation topic is of a level that is acceptable for the student's doctoral program.
  • The student is at an appropriate stage in their Ph.D. program that feedback on their dissertation topic would be useful. That is, the student is not just starting the program and the student is not about to complete the program.


All submissions will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium mentors. We anticipate that accepted extended abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.


Students whose extended abstracts are accepted for the Doctoral Consortium will then be asked to provide an extended version (6-8 pages) to enable Doctoral Consortium mentors to provide additional feedback during the conference.  Instructions on submission of the extended version will be provided with (or shortly after) the notification of acceptance. The extended version will not be reviewed, and not be published by JCDL. Students are free, however, to upload the extended version after the doctoral consortium to repositories like 


Students whose work is accepted, are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium and present their work either online or in person. We currently expect that online attendance will be free, and attendance in person will be possible at a reduced registration fee.


If you have questions, please contact the chairs at

Joeran Beel, University of Siegen, Germany

Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Michele C. Weigle, Old Dominion University, USA



All dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone

  • 14 December 2021 – EasyChair submission system opens
  • 14 March 2022 – DC extended abstract submission
  • Deadline extended: 21 March 2022 - DC extended abstract submission
  • 4 April 2022 – Notification of acceptance
  • 18 April 2022 – Final camera-ready deadline 
  • Deadline extended: 30 April 2022 - Final camera-ready deadline
  • Deadline extended: 6 June 2022 – Extended version submission (6-8 pages)
  • 20 June 2022 – Doctoral Consortium at the JCDL Conference in Cologne, Germany